A clean office provides a great work environment. Not only for corporate desk jockeys, but for data deep-divers too. Sensors in smart buildings can offer much data and AMdEX is ready to start sharing – improving life for all office workers.

Cleaning staff in office buildings is nowadays used to handling a lot of data to effectively tidy your workspace. As the hybrid way of working is still preferred by most office employees, much of the corporate physical workspace is now only used parttime. Thus decreasing the need to always immaculately clean everything. Air quality and occupancy sensors in office spaces provide valuable data to plan for cleaning at exactly the right time. This not only saves energy, materials, and manpower. When perfectly planned, the cleaning itself also interferes as little as possible with employees when they are on site.

In the Smart Buildings usecase, AMdEX is experimenting with responsibly sharing sensor data from buildings. We do this in cooperation with the European i4Trust programme. The usecase is operational until the end of summer 2023. The building owner and their tenants will maintain complete control over the correct use of the sensor data streams. Cleaners have easy access to the data in their own apps, that are legally just and verifiable.

Locations of the experiment include the Esports Campus in Purmerend, the Marineterrein and the NDSM wharf in Amsterdam. AMdEX is collaborating with the European initiatives iSHARE and FIWARE. Parties involved include our endorsing partners KPN, FacilityApps, Luminis and Tapp, as well as LIFE, Ontola, Textinfo and AMdEX founding partners Dexes and the University of Amsterdam.

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